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Nichola Taylor Cockayne
Nichola Taylor Cockayne
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Nichola Taylor Cockayne
The HIPs didn't really work the first time, and cost many people who trained as providers a lot of money and time. However, i do agree that searches and further information should be available digitally in the same fashion that the EPC register and title registers are available. Waiting 6 weeks plus for a local search is criminal! It is worth noting that there is still an enormous amount of homeowners who are not internet savvy and require paper and phone based methods. I do agree that digital signatures should be permitted to help speed things up, with the appropriate regulation of course, but both systems will need run in parallel for a while yet. Our firm is just about to go into its 20th Year, and for much of that time we have been regulated by NAEA, who have strict requirements for estate agents. To introduce an additional licence requirement is foolish and open to bungling, but to have a set industry standard and require estate agents to become part of ONE regulating body like NAEA for example, would help across the industry and stay within fair competition. Especially with some of the cowboys (even corporate ones) out there. A digital property portfolio, accessible to edit only by legal professionals with a data log of any amendments and removals would speed things up, log developments to the property, sale transactions and so on, would be good. The buyers and sellers, and estate agents for example, could view the portfolio on a read only basis. Allowing a buyer to be able to amend the contents is open for all kinds of fiddling with. The 'lock in' e.g. loss of deposit should a buyer wish to retract their bid, is already a key part of the selling process in parts of Europe/nearby - Malta and Norway i believe are such places. This is also also how the auction method works, once a bid is accepted. If the government is hoping for a move to 'auction style buying and selling' there's an enormous amount of work to do to get there. While we're at it, shall we simplify the mortgage, probate and divorce industry too?

From: Nichola Taylor Cockayne 20 December 2017 10:20 AM

Nichola Taylor Cockayne

From: Nichola Taylor Cockayne 27 March 2017 11:18 AM

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